Law Enforcement Patches & Insignia
If you’re new to the force, recently got a promotion, or just need to replace worn out patches, we’re more than happy to help. We have a massive selection of law enforcement patches that look pristine and go on to your uniform easily. Choose from a variety of different titles and color options until you find one that matches perfectly.
Tons of Options
Whatever your job in law enforcement may be, we probably have a patch for it. From security patches to sheriff insignias and even Navy investigator badges - we’ve got them all. These are premium quality patches with 100% embroidery. Plus, you can purchase them in bulk to supply your entire force with brand new patches and make sure everyone is looking great.
Great for Collectors
If you’re a fan of collecting law enforcement patches, we have a couple of great options that you are sure to love. These specialty patches span the entire United States from New York to Hawaii. They have great images and a really unique look to them, making them perfect additions to any collection. Show some love to your local state force!
Our Promise
We love seeing our law enforcement agents looking sharp. Our promise to you is that these patches are high-quality pieces that we’re confident you will love. If you have questions, please give us a call at 1 (866) 699-8084 or contact us online.
Get a patch or insignia that you can be proud of from FireStoreOnline!